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something similar

  • 1 similar

    match, par.
    * * *
    1 similar
    * * *
    * * *
    ADJ similar (a to)
    * * *
    adjetivo similar
    * * *
    = associated, like, similar, like-minded, collateral, nonunique [non-unique], alike, coterminous [co-terminous], parallel, suchlike, consistent, kindred.
    Nota: Véase red para otras palabras terminadas con este sufijo.
    Ex. This list makes recommendations about the use of references for the display of relationships in a catalogue, index or data base, in order to guide users between connected or associated terms.
    Ex. Inversion may offer the advantage of grouping like subjects.
    Ex. Both the author and the subject approach for nonbook materials can be regarded as broadly similar for all media.
    Ex. Directories of organizations and human resources are an excellent means of knowing who is doing what and where and assist in the networking among like-minded institutions.
    Ex. If there are two or more collateral printed texts which were set from manuscript copy, not from other printed editions, the editor must choose one or other of them as copy-text on the basis of whatever he can discover about their relative status = Si existen dos o más textos impresos similares que se compusieron a partir del mismo original, no de otras ediciones impresas, el editor debe escoger uno u otro como texto fuente a partir de aquello que pueda descubrir que los diferencie.
    Ex. Our estimation is that we have 845,000 nonunique names in the MARC data base.
    Ex. Although users are better informed than non-users, they are fairly alike in their attitudes toward such issues as capital punishment and the effect of alcohol on driving.
    Ex. Sample articles were chosen for subjects coterminous with each other for 1950, 60 and 70.
    Ex. The increasing demand for paper of all sorts, which the giant productivity of the Fourdrinier machine could easily meet, resulted in a parallel demand for rags which was soon outstripping the supply.
    Ex. I think this should all be interpreted as a challenge, rather than as a mandate for complacency or suchlike.
    Ex. In order to achieve good consistent indexing the indexer must have a thorough appreciation of the structure of the subject and the nature of the contribution that the document makes to the advancement of knowledge.
    Ex. The indexer must evaluate whether the index user will profit if a distinction is made between two kindred terms.
    * con las características similares a las de texto = text-like.
    * de forma muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de intereses similares = of like interest.
    * de manera similar = in a similar way.
    * de manera similar a = in a similar manner to.
    * de un modo similar = in a similar vein.
    * muy similar a = much like.
    * o algo similar = or something of that sort, or something to that effect, or something of that nature, or words to that effect.
    * para personas con intereses similares = birds-of-a-feather.
    * ser similar = be on a par.
    * ser similar a = be nothing short of.
    * similar a = akin to, of the type, along the lines of, to the effect of.
    * similar a la realidad = lifelike [life-like].
    * similar a un bolígrafo = pen-like.
    * y similares = and the kind.
    * * *
    adjetivo similar
    * * *
    = associated, like, similar, like-minded, collateral, nonunique [non-unique], alike, coterminous [co-terminous], parallel, suchlike, consistent, kindred.
    Nota: Véase red para otras palabras terminadas con este sufijo.

    Ex: This list makes recommendations about the use of references for the display of relationships in a catalogue, index or data base, in order to guide users between connected or associated terms.

    Ex: Inversion may offer the advantage of grouping like subjects.
    Ex: Both the author and the subject approach for nonbook materials can be regarded as broadly similar for all media.
    Ex: Directories of organizations and human resources are an excellent means of knowing who is doing what and where and assist in the networking among like-minded institutions.
    Ex: If there are two or more collateral printed texts which were set from manuscript copy, not from other printed editions, the editor must choose one or other of them as copy-text on the basis of whatever he can discover about their relative status = Si existen dos o más textos impresos similares que se compusieron a partir del mismo original, no de otras ediciones impresas, el editor debe escoger uno u otro como texto fuente a partir de aquello que pueda descubrir que los diferencie.
    Ex: Our estimation is that we have 845,000 nonunique names in the MARC data base.
    Ex: Although users are better informed than non-users, they are fairly alike in their attitudes toward such issues as capital punishment and the effect of alcohol on driving.
    Ex: Sample articles were chosen for subjects coterminous with each other for 1950, 60 and 70.
    Ex: The increasing demand for paper of all sorts, which the giant productivity of the Fourdrinier machine could easily meet, resulted in a parallel demand for rags which was soon outstripping the supply.
    Ex: I think this should all be interpreted as a challenge, rather than as a mandate for complacency or suchlike.
    Ex: In order to achieve good consistent indexing the indexer must have a thorough appreciation of the structure of the subject and the nature of the contribution that the document makes to the advancement of knowledge.
    Ex: The indexer must evaluate whether the index user will profit if a distinction is made between two kindred terms.
    * con las características similares a las de texto = text-like.
    * de forma muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de intereses similares = of like interest.
    * de manera similar = in a similar way.
    * de manera similar a = in a similar manner to.
    * de un modo similar = in a similar vein.
    * muy similar a = much like.
    * o algo similar = or something of that sort, or something to that effect, or something of that nature, or words to that effect.
    * para personas con intereses similares = birds-of-a-feather.
    * ser similar = be on a par.
    * ser similar a = be nothing short of.
    * similar a = akin to, of the type, along the lines of, to the effect of.
    * similar a la realidad = lifelike [life-like].
    * similar a un bolígrafo = pen-like.
    * y similares = and the kind.

    * * *
    similar similar A algo similar TO sth
    * * *


    similar adjetivo
    similar A algo similar to sth
    similar adjetivo similar
    ' similar' also found in these entries:
    - análoga
    - análogo
    - enfoque
    - julepe
    - parecida
    - parecido
    - pareja
    - parejo
    - semejante
    - símil
    - tenor
    - vecina
    - vecino
    - asemejar
    - carajillo
    - chueca
    - parecer
    - rayuela
    - salchichón
    - tejo
    - uncannily
    - akin
    - broadly
    - gravitate
    - kindred
    - like
    - net
    - similarly
    - unlike
    * * *
    similar adj
    similar (a to)
    * * *
    adj similar;
    y similares and the like
    * * *
    similar adj
    semejante: similar, alike
    * * *
    similar adj similar

    Spanish-English dictionary > similar

  • 2 something like

    شَبِيه بِـ \ on the lines of: in the general form of: We’re planning some sports on the lines of the Olympic Games, but for schoolboys only. similar: like; seeming the same (but not exactly the same): We have similar interests. His interests are similar to mine. something like: rather like: A rat looks something like a mouse, but it’s bigger.

    Arabic-English glossary > something like

  • 3 similar

    شَبِيه بِـ \ on the lines of: in the general form of: We’re planning some sports on the lines of the Olympic Games, but for schoolboys only. similar: like; seeming the same (but not exactly the same): We have similar interests. His interests are similar to mine. something like: rather like: A rat looks something like a mouse, but it’s bigger.

    Arabic-English glossary > similar

  • 4 similar a

    = akin to, of the type, along the lines of, to the effect of
    Ex. I personally believe that something akin to what happened to pocket calculators is going to happen to microform readers.
    Ex. Short abstracts comprising only one or two sentences, for instance, may be valuable in commercial information services, or local government news-sheets of the type produced by public libraries.
    Ex. The author considers the possibility of a shift from libraries to personal information service along the lines of the shift that has occured from public to private transport.
    Ex. When a speaker's time is up, make it clear by rising and saying words to the effect of 'Thank you very much. That's all the time you have'.
    * * *
    = akin to, of the type, along the lines of, to the effect of

    Ex: I personally believe that something akin to what happened to pocket calculators is going to happen to microform readers.

    Ex: Short abstracts comprising only one or two sentences, for instance, may be valuable in commercial information services, or local government news-sheets of the type produced by public libraries.
    Ex: The author considers the possibility of a shift from libraries to personal information service along the lines of the shift that has occured from public to private transport.
    Ex: When a speaker's time is up, make it clear by rising and saying words to the effect of 'Thank you very much. That's all the time you have'.

    Spanish-English dictionary > similar a

  • 5 algo similar

    • something similar

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > algo similar

  • 6 algo similar

    something similar, the like.

    Spanish-English dictionary > algo similar

  • 7 o algo similar

    = or something of that sort, or something to that effect, or something of that nature, or words to that effect
    Ex. Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort.
    Ex. Like Tolstoy said: man has no effect on history... or something to that effect.
    Ex. If you are trying to break up a cat fight or something to that nature pick it up by the scruff of the neck.
    Ex. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing ( or words to that effect).
    * * *
    = or something of that sort, or something to that effect, or something of that nature, or words to that effect

    Ex: Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort.

    Ex: Like Tolstoy said: man has no effect on history... or something to that effect.
    Ex: If you are trying to break up a cat fight or something to that nature pick it up by the scruff of the neck.
    Ex: All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing ( or words to that effect).

    Spanish-English dictionary > o algo similar

  • 8 qualcosa

    interrogativo anything, something
    qualcos'altro something else
    qualcosa da mangiare something to eat
    qualcosa di bello something beautiful
    * * *
    qualcosa pron.indef.
    1 (in frasi affermative o interr. da cui si attenda risposta affermativa) something ( anche con partitivo): dimmi qualcosa, tell me something; avrei qualcosa da chiederti, I've got something to ask you; c'è qualcosa che non va in questa faccenda, there's something fishy (o something not quite right) in all this; vorrei qualcosa da mangiare, I'd like something to eat; prendete qualcosa da bere?, will you have something to drink?; può darmi qualcosa per il mal di testa?, can you give me something for a headache?; posso fare qualcosa per te?, can I do something (o anything) for you? // qualcosa mi dice che, something tells me that... // è già qualcosa!, that's something: è già qualcosa che abbia ammesso di aver sbagliato, it's something that he admitted he was wrong; non è moltissimo, ma è già qualcosa, it isn't a great deal, but it's something // il premio era di 800 euro e qualcosa, the prize was 800 euros and something // abbiamo speso qualcosa come 70.000 euro, we spent something like 70,000 euros // qualcosa meno, più (di), something less, more (than): abbiamo pagato qualcosa meno di cento euro, we paid something less than one hundred euros // qualcos'altro, qualcosa d'altro, something else: questo pesce non è fresco, mi porti qualcos'altro, this fish isn't fresh, please bring me something else // qualcosa di nuovo, di strano, something new, strange; c'era qualcosa di losco nel suo aspetto, there was something suspicious about him; avrei qualcosa di meglio da fare, I have something better to do; prendiamo qualcosa di caldo, let's have something hot; doveva essere qualcosa d'importante, it must have been something important // ho già sentito qualcosa del genere, I've already heard something of the kind // fa lo sceneggiatore o qualcosa di simile, he's a scriptwriter or something (similar)
    2 ( in frasi negative o dubitative) anything: avete qualcosa per me?, have you anything for me?; avete qualcosa da dire?, have you anything to say?; c'è qualcosa di bello alla TV?, is there anything good on TV?; non hai qualcosa da leggere?, haven't you got anything to read?; c'è qualcosa che non va?, is there anything wrong?; è successo qualcosa di grave?, has anything serious happened?; desidera qualcos'altro?, do you want anything else?; non c'è qualcosa di meglio da vedere?, isn't there anything better to see?
    1 (anche f.) ( persona di una certa importanza): è convinto di essere qualcosa, si crede qualcosa, he thinks he's somebody; è qualcosa nel mondo dell'alta finanza, he's somebody in the world of high finance
    2 ( cosa indefinibile): c'è un qualcosa che mi sfugge nel suo comportamento, there's something I can't quite make out in his behaviour // gli manca quel qualcosa..., he hasn't got it...
    * * *
    [kwal'kɔsa] 1.

    qualcosa da fare, da mangiare — something to do, to eat

    c'è qualcosa che non va — there's something wrong, something's wrong

    qualcosa di meglio, di meno caro — something better, cheaper

    qualcosa di nuovo, bello — something new, nice

    è già qualcosa che ti abbia chiesto scusa! — at least he apologized, that's something!

    mi dice qualcosa — it reminds me of something, it rings a bell

    qualcosa mi dice che... — something tells me (that)...

    * * *
     1 (una o più cose) (in frasi affermative e nelle offerte) something; (in frasi interrogative e ipotetiche) anything; le serve qualcosa? do you need anything? qualcosa da fare, da mangiare something to do, to eat; forse gli è successo qualcosa maybe something's happened to him; se le dovesse succedere qualcosa if anything should happen to her; c'è qualcosa che non va there's something wrong, something's wrong; qualcosa del genere something like that; qualcosa di meglio, di meno caro something better, cheaper; qualcosa di nuovo, bello something new, nice; è già qualcosa that's something anyway; è già qualcosa che ti abbia chiesto scusa! at least he apologized, that's something! mi dice qualcosa it reminds me of something, it rings a bell; qualcosa mi dice che... something tells me (that)...; ne so qualcosa I know what you mean; è qualcosa di straordinario it's something extraordinary
      (cosa indefinibile) un qualcosa a certain something; un qualcosa di strano something odd o strange.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > qualcosa

  • 9 lignende

    * * *
    subst. similar entity, something similar adj. similar, like (noe lignende) something of the sort

    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > lignende

  • 10 somigliante

    * * *
    somigliante agg. alike (pred.); like (s.o., sthg.), ( simile) similar (to s.o., sthg.): è un caso somigliante al tuo, it is a case similar to yours; era un animale somigliante ad uno scoiattolo, it was an animal like a squirrel; questo ritratto non è somigliante, this portrait is not like him (her); sono molto somiglianti, they are very much alike
    s.m. (antiq.) ( cosa simile a un'altra) something similar.
    * * *
    aggettivo (che somiglia) alike mai attrib.; (simile) similar (a to)

    essere molto somigliante — to be similar, to bear a very good likeness

    * * *
    (che somiglia) alike mai attrib.; (simile) similar (a to); essere molto somigliante to be similar, to bear a very good likeness.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > somigliante

  • 11 cangklongan

    something similar to a long pipe

    Indonesia-Inggris kamus > cangklongan

  • 12 algo semejante

    • something similar
    • such a thing

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > algo semejante

  • 13 ähnlich

    I Adj. similar ( Dat to), (a)like; in ähnlicher Weise in like manner; ein ähnlicher Fall a similar case; ähnliche Interessen / Methoden similar interests / methods; die Plätze sind alle ähnlich the seats are all alike; so etwas Ähnliches wie something like; ... oder so ähnlich umg. something like that; jemandem ähnlich sehen look ( oder be) like s.o.; ärgerlich: das sieht ihm etc. ähnlich that’s him etc. all over, he etc. would; das sieht ihm etc. aber gar nicht ähnlich that’s not like him etc. at all!; sie sieht i-r Mutter ähnlich she resembles her mother; er wird seiner Mutter ähnlich he takes after his mother; das Foto ist nicht sehr ähnlich the photo is not a good likeness; oder Ähnliches (abgek. o.Ä.) or the like; und Ähnliche(s) (abgek. undÄ.) and the like
    II Adv. similarly; ich hätte ähnlich gehandelt I would have acted similarly, I would have done (pretty much) the same
    * * *
    alike; parallel; like; similar
    * * *
    ähn|lich ['ɛːnlɪç]
    1. adj
    similar (+dat to)

    ein dem Rokoko ä́hnlicher Stil — a style similar to rococo, a similar style to rococo

    das dem Vater ä́hnliche Kind — the child that resembles his father, the child that is like his father

    ä́hnlich wie er/sie — like him/her

    ä́hnlich wie damals — as then

    ä́hnlich wie vor 10 Jahren — as 10 years ago

    sie sind sich ä́hnlich — they are similar or alike

    (etwas) Ähnliches — something similar, something like it/that

    2. adv

    ein ä́hnlich aussehender Gegenstand — a similar-looking object

    ä́hnlich kompliziert/intelligent — just as complicated/intelligent

    eine ä́hnlich komplizierte Sachlage — a similarly complicated state of affairs

    ich denke ä́hnlich — I feel the same way (about it)

    er hat sie ä́hnlich hintergegangen wie seine frühere Freundin — he cheated on her just as he did with his former girlfriend

    jdm ä́hnlich sehen — to be like sb, to resemble sb

    3. prep +dat
    similar to, like
    * * *
    1) (in the same, or a similar, way.) similarly
    2) ((often with to) alike in many (often most) ways: My house is similar to yours; Our jobs are similar.) similar
    * * *
    I. adj similar
    \ähnlich wie jd/etw sein to be similar to [or like] sb/sth
    [etwas] Ähnliches [something] similar
    Ähnliches habe ich vorher noch nie gesehen I've never seen anything like it
    II. adv (vergleichbar) similarly
    jdm \ähnlich sehen to look like [or resemble] sb
    III. präp + dat
    \ähnlich jdm/etw like [or similar to] sb/sth
    * * *
    Adjektiv similar

    jemandem ähnlich seinbe similar to or be like somebody

    jemandem ähnlich sehen — resemble somebody; be like somebody

    [so] ähnlich wie etwas aussehen/klingen — look/sound like something

    das sieht dir/ihm ähnlich! — (ugs.) that's you/him all over; that's just like you/him

    adverbial similarly; <answer, react> in a similar way or manner

    ähnlich dumm/naiv usw. argumentieren — argue in a similarly stupid/naïve etc. way or manner

    uns geht es ähnlich — it is/will be much the same for us; (wir denken, fühlen ähnlich) we feel much the same

    Präposition mit Dat. like
    * * *
    A. adj similar (dat to), (a)like;
    in ähnlicher Weise in like manner;
    ein ähnlicher Fall a similar case;
    ähnliche Interesen/Methoden similar interests/methods;
    die Plätze sind alle ähnlich the seats are all alike;
    so etwas Ähnliches wie something like;
    oder so ähnlich umg something like that;
    jemandem ähnlich sehen look ( oder be) like sb; ärgerlich:
    ähnlich that’s him etc all over, he etc would;
    aber gar nicht ähnlich that’s not like him etc at all!;
    sie sieht i-r Mutter ähnlich she resembles her mother;
    er wird seiner Mutter ähnlich he takes after his mother;
    das Foto ist nicht sehr ähnlich the photo is not a good likeness;
    oder Ähnliches (abk o. Ä.) or the like;
    und Ähnliche(s) (abk und Ä.) and the like
    B. adv similarly;
    ich hätte ähnlich gehandelt I would have acted similarly, I would have done (pretty much) the same
    * * *
    Adjektiv similar

    jemandem ähnlich seinbe similar to or be like somebody

    jemandem ähnlich sehen — resemble somebody; be like somebody

    [so] ähnlich wie etwas aussehen/klingen — look/sound like something

    das sieht dir/ihm ähnlich! — (ugs.) that's you/him all over; that's just like you/him

    adverbial similarly; <answer, react> in a similar way or manner

    ähnlich dumm/naiv usw. argumentieren — argue in a similarly stupid/naïve etc. way or manner

    uns geht es ähnlich — it is/will be much the same for us; (wir denken, fühlen ähnlich) we feel much the same

    Präposition mit Dat. like
    * * *
    (Mathematik) adj.
    similar adj. adj.
    akin adj.
    alike adj.
    analogical adj.
    like adj.
    likely adj.
    related adj.
    similar adj. adv.
    likewise adv.
    similarly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ähnlich

  • 14 semejante

    1 similar (parecido).
    son de una edad semejante they are (of) a similar age
    2 such (tal).
    jamás aceptaría semejante invitación I would never accept such an invitation
    una propuesta de semejante talante a proposal of this nature, such a proposal
    ¡cómo pudo decir semejante tontería! how could he say something so stupid!
    1 fellow (human) being.
    2 fellowman, fellow, fellow being, fellow creature.
    * * *
    1 (parecido) similar
    2 peyorativo (tal) such, like that
    3 (geometría) similar
    1 fellow being
    * * *
    2) such
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=parecido) similar
    2) (Mat) similar
    3) [uso enfático] such

    ¿se ha visto frescura semejante? — did you ever see such cheek?

    4) Cono Sur, Méx (=enorme) huge, enormous
    2. SM
    1) (=prójimo) fellow man, fellow creature

    no tiene semejante(=equivalente) it has no equal, there is nothing to equal it

    * * *
    a) ( similar) similar
    b) (Mat) similar

    tus/nuestros semejantes — your/our fellow men

    * * *
    a) ( similar) similar
    b) (Mat) similar

    tus/nuestros semejantes — your/our fellow men

    * * *
    1 = fellow human being, kindred, fellow, twin, fellow being.

    Ex: What is our responsibility to a fellow human being, who in this case happens to be a respected library director who is also our boss?.

    Ex: The indexer must evaluate whether the index user will profit if a distinction is made between two kindred terms.
    Ex: Cave paintings, baked clay tablets, papyrus rolls, vellum, parchment and paper manuscripts, movable type printing; these have been the material objects by means of which man have communicated with their fellows.
    Ex: The two moulds, which were twins, were oblong wire sieves mounted on wooden frames, and the deckle was a removable wooden rim which could be fitted to either mould to make it into a tray-like sieve with a raised edge.
    Ex: Immorality and general disrespect for our fellow beings is just about the norm in this day and age.

    = analogous, parallel, suchlike.

    Ex: But what about when our own professional center, the Library of Congress, uses BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS which are analogous to Polacks and Kikes and Wops?.

    Ex: The increasing demand for paper of all sorts, which the giant productivity of the Fourdrinier machine could easily meet, resulted in a parallel demand for rags which was soon outstripping the supply.
    Ex: I think this should all be interpreted as a challenge, rather than as a mandate for complacency or suchlike.
    * Nombre + semejante = such + Nombre.
    * semejante a = akin to.

    * * *
    1 (similar) similar
    realizaron un experimento semejante con ratas they carried out a similar experiment with rats
    los dos colores son muy semejantes the two colors are very similar
    ¿se va a ir a vivir a Francia? — le oí decir algo semejante is he going off to live in France? — I heard him say something of the sort o something along those lines
    semejante A algo similar TO sth
    sus costumbres son semejantes a las nuestras their customs are similar to ours, they have similar customs to ours
    llevaba zapatos semejantes a los tuyos she was wearing shoes similar to o like yours
    2 ( Mat) similar
    (para énfasis): nunca había oído semejante estupidez I'd never heard such nonsense o anything so stupid
    yo nunca dije semejante tontería I never said such a stupid thing
    ¿te vas a acabar semejante plato de fideos? are you really going to be able to finish all those noodles?
    tus/nuestros semejantes your/our fellow men
    debemos amar a nuestros semejantes we must love our fellow men
    * * *


    semejante adjetivo

    semejante A algo similar to sth

    ¡cómo puedes decir semejante cosa! how can you say such a thing!;

    nunca había oído semejante estupidez I'd never heard such nonsense o anything so stupid
    ■ sustantivo masculino:

    I adjetivo
    1 (parecido) similar: no había oído nada semejante, I had never heard anything like it
    2 (tal) such: ¿de dónde sacó semejante idea?, where did he get such an idea from?
    II m (prójimo) fellow man: ama a tus semejantes, love your fellow men

    ' semejante' also found in these entries:
    - homóloga
    - homólogo
    - lance
    - mamarracho
    - tal
    - vecina
    - vecino
    - burrada
    - caminata
    - parejo
    - prójimo
    - alike
    - asinine
    - nothing
    - similar
    - such
    - whatever
    - anything
    - bowls
    - possess
    - sort
    * * *
    1. [parecido] similar (a to);
    son de una edad semejante they are (of) a similar age;
    su plan es semejante al nuestro her plan is similar to ours
    2. [tal] such;
    jamás aceptaría semejante invitación I would never accept such an invitation;
    una propuesta de semejante talante a proposal of this nature, such a proposal;
    no sé cómo pudo mover semejante piedra I don't know how he managed to shift such a heavy rock;
    ¡cómo pudo decir semejante tontería! how could he say something so stupid!;
    ¡semejante mentiroso! ¡cómo puede decir eso! what a liar! how can he say that!
    fellow (human) being
    * * *
    I adj similar;
    jamás he oído semejante tontería I’ve never heard such nonsense
    II m fellow human being, fellow creature;
    mis semejantes my fellow men
    * * *
    1) parecido: similar, alike
    2) tal: such
    nunca he visto cosa semejante: I have never seen such a thing
    prójimo: fellowman
    * * *
    1. (similar) similar
    2. (tal) such / such a

    Spanish-English dictionary > semejante

  • 15 approchant

    approchant, e [apʀɔ∫ɑ̃, ɑ̃t]
    * * *
    approchante apʀɔʃɑ̃, ɑ̃t adjectif [valeur] approximate
    * * *
    apʀɔʃɑ̃, ɑ̃t adj approchant, -e
    similar, close
    * * *
    approchant, approchante adj ( comparable) [problème, mot] similar; ( proche) [valeur] approximate; [résultat] close; chercher quelque chose d'approchant to look for something similar.
    ( féminin approchante) [aprɔʃɑ̃, ɑ̃t] adjectif

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > approchant

  • 16 was

    I Interrog. Pron. what (auch umg. für wie bitte?); was für ( ein) ...? what sort of...?; was für Länder kennst du schon? which countries have you already been to?; was für eine Farbe hat...? what colo(u)r is...?; was ist sein Vater? what does his father do?; was willst du werden? what do you want to be?; was willst du überhaupt? what do you actually want?; was kostet das? how much is it?, what ( oder how much) does it cost?; was haben Sie an Wein etc.? what have you got in the way of wine etc.?; was ist denn? umg. what’s the matter?, what’s wrong?; was noch? what else?; was dann? and then what?; um was handelt es sich? umg. what’s it (all) about?; auf was wartest du? umg. what are you waiting for?; an was denkst du? umg. what are you thinking about?; was (warum) muss er lügen? umg. why does he have to lie?; was weiß ich! umg. how should I know?, search me; und was nicht alles umg. and all that; das tut weh, was? umg. it hurts, doesn’t it?; es zählt das Was, nicht das Wie it doesn’t matter how you do it, just get it done; machen I, nun I 1, sollen2 2 etc.
    II Interj.: was, du rauchst nicht mehr? umg. what, you don’t smoke any more?; was für ein Unsinn / Krach etc.! what nonsense etc. / what a noise etc.; was für ein Wetter! what weather!; was haben wir gelacht! umg. what a laugh we had; was ist das doch schwierig this is so hard; ach I 5
    III Rel. Pron. (das was) what; (welches) that, which; den Inhalt des vorhergehenden Satzes aufnehmend: which; das war alles, was er mir erzählte that was all (that) he told me; alles, was er weiß everything (that) he knows; ..., was ihn völlig kalt ließ... which left him cold; was auch immer whatever (auch am Satzende), no matter what; was ihn betrifft as for him, as far as he’s concerned; was ich noch sagen wollte... the other thing I wanted to say...
    IV unbest. Pron. umg. (etwas) something; ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst I spy with my little eye; weißt du schon was? have you heard anything?; ist was? what’s up?, is anything the matter?; was Schlechtes / Gutes / noch etc. something bad / good / else etc.; was Neues? any news?, anything new?; das ist was anderes that’s different; und nun zu ganz was anderem! and now for something completely different!; eine Palme oder so was ( Ähnliches) a palm tree or something like that ( oder something similar); na, so was! bes. iro. well I never!; was du nicht sagst! you don’t say!; hat man so was schon gesehen? have you ever seen anything like it?; so was von blöd! stupid or what?, how stupid can you get?; das war vielleicht was! that was really something!; da war doch was there was something there; ich will dir mal was sagen I’ll tell you something; bes. drohend: I’ll tell you what; schäm dich was! you ought to be ashamed of yourself; siehe auch so I 7, wissen
    * * *
    whatsoever (Pron.); whatever (Pron.); what (Pron.)
    * * *
    wạs [vas]
    1. interrog pron
    1) what; (= wie viel) how much, what

    was kostet das? — how much is that?, what does or how much does that cost?

    was ist or gibts? — what is it?, what's up?

    was ist, kommst du mit? — well, are you coming?

    sie kommt nicht – was? — she's not coming – what?

    was hast du denn?, was ist denn los? — what's the matter (with you)?, what's wrong?

    was denn? (ungehalten) — what (is it)?; (um Vorschlag bittend) but what?

    was denn, bist du schon fertig? — what, are you finished already?

    das ist gut, was? (inf) — that's good, isn't it?

    2) (inf = warum) why, what... for

    was lachst du denn so? — what are you laughing for?, why are you laughing?


    was für... — what sort or kind of...

    2. rel pron
    (auf ganzen Satz bezogen) which

    das, was... — that which..., what...

    ich weiß, was ich/er tun soll — I know what I should do or what to do/what he should do

    das ist etwas, was ich nicht verstehe — that is something (which) I don't understand

    alles, was... — everything or all (that)...

    das Beste/Schönste/wenige/Einzige, was ich... — the best/prettiest/little/only thing (that) I...

    schreib/iss etc was du kannst (inf) — write/eat etc what you can

    lauf, was du kannst! (inf)run as fast as you can!

    3. indef pron (inf) abbr
    something; (fragend, bedingend auch, verneint) anything; (unbestimmter Teil einer Menge) some, any

    (na,) so was! — well I never!

    → auch etwas, sehen
    * * *
    1) (used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc: What street is this?; What's your name/address / telephone number?; What time is it?; What (kind of) bird is that?; What is he reading?; What did you say?; What is this cake made of?; `What do you want to be when you grow up?' `A doctor.'; Tell me what you mean; I asked him what clothes I should wear.) what
    2) (( also adverb) used in exclamations of surprise, anger etc: What clothes she wears!; What a fool he is!; What naughty children they are!; What a silly book this is!) what
    3) (the thing(s) that: Did you find what you wanted?; These tools are just what I need for this job; What that child needs is a good spanking!) what
    4) (( also relative adjective) any (things or amount) that; whatever: I'll lend you what clothes you need; Please lend me what you can.) what
    5) ((also what ever) used in questions or exclamations to express surprise etc: Whatever will he say when he hears this?) what
    * * *
    \was macht er beruflich? what's his job?
    \was kann ich dir anbieten? what can I offer you?
    für \was brauchst du es? what do you need it for?
    mit \was beschäftigt Max sich? how does Max occupy his time?
    was \was alles weiß! what a lot Peter knows!
    2. (fam: welch)
    \was für ein(e)... what sort [or kind] of
    \was für ein Auto hat sie?, \was hat sie für ein Auto? what kind of car has she got?
    \was war das für eine Anstrengung! that really was an effort!, what an effort that was!
    \was für ein Glück! what a stroke of luck!
    \was für ein Wahnsinn! what madness!
    \was für ein schöner Garten! what a lovely garden!
    und \was für ein Garten! and what a garden!
    \was für eine sie ist, das weiß ich auch nicht I don't know either what sort of a person she is
    \was ist [o gibt's]? what's up?
    was \was, kommst du mit? well, are you coming?
    \was hast du denn?, \was ist denn [los]? what's the matter?, what's wrong?
    \was denn, du bist schon fertig? what, are you finished already?
    \was denn, du willst doch nicht schon gehen? you're not going already, are you?
    ach \was! oh, come on!, of course not!
    \was lachst du denn so? what are you laughing for?, why are you laughing?
    4. (wie viel) what, how much
    \was kostet das? what [or how much] does that cost?
    5. (wie sehr) how
    \was habe ich gelacht! how I laughed!
    \was ist das doch kompliziert! it's really complicated!
    6. (fam: nicht wahr) isn't it/doesn't it/aren't you
    das ist gut, \was? that's good, isn't it?, not bad, eh? fam
    1. (welches) what
    ich weiß, \was ich tun muss I know what I have to do
    \was mich betrifft, [so]... as far as I'm concerned...
    das, \was that which form, what
    das ist etwas, \was ich nicht tun werde that is something [which] I won't do
    das ist das Beste, \was du tun kannst that's the best thing you can do
    das Einzige, \was ich Ihnen sagen kann, ist, dass er morgen kommt the only thing I can tell you is that he's coming tomorrow
    das Wenige, \was ich besitze, will ich gerne mit dir teilen the little that I possess I will gladly share with you
    sie hat zugestimmt, \was mich gefreut hat he agreed, which pleased me
    es hat auf der Fahrt geregnet, \was mich aber nicht gestört hat it rained during the journey, but that didn't bother me
    3. (fam: wer)
    \was ein ganzer Kerl ist, der stellt sich einem Kampf anyone worth his salt will put up a fight
    4. DIAL (derjenige, diejenige)
    \was unsere Mutter ist, die sagt immer... our mother always says...
    5. DIAL (der, die, das)
    der Peter, \was unser Jüngster ist... Peter, who is our youngest...
    III. pron indef (fam)
    1. (etwas) something; (in Fragen, Verneinungen) anything
    sie hat kaum \was gesagt she hardly said anything [or a thing]
    kann ich dir \was zu trinken anbieten? can I offer you a drink?
    kann ich \was helfen? can I give you a hand?
    das will \was heißen that really means something
    iss nur, es ist \was ganz Leckeres! just eat it, it's something really tasty!
    so \was something like that, such a thing
    so \was könnte dir nicht passieren nothing like that could happen to you
    so \was Ärgerliches/Dummes! how annoying/stupid!
    so \was von Dummheit such stupidity
    [na,] so \was! really?
    nein, so \was! you don't say!
    sie ist so \was wie ne Architektin she's an architect or something of the sort
    2. (irgendetwas) anything
    ist \was? is anything wrong?, is something the matter?
    ob er \was gemerkt hat? I wonder if he noticed anything?
    fällt Ihnen an dem Bild \was auf? does anything strike you about the picture?
    gibt's \was Neues? is there any news?
    haben die \was miteinander? is there something between them?
    aus ihr wird mal \was werden she'll make something of herself
    aus ihm wird nie \was werden he'll never come to anything
    gib Bescheid, wenn ich \was für dich tun kann! let me know when I can do something for you
    3. (fam: Teil einer Menge) some
    ich will auch \was I want some too
    4. DIAL (ein wenig) a little, a bit
    möchtest du noch \was Kaffee? would you like some more coffee?
    sprich bitte \was lauter! could you speak a little louder, please?
    * * *
    A. int pr what (auch umg für
    wie bitte?);
    was für (ein) …? what sort of …?;
    was für Länder kennst du schon? which countries have you already been to?;
    was für eine Farbe hat …? what colo(u)r is …?;
    was ist sein Vater? what does his father do?;
    was willst du werden? what do you want to be?;
    was willst du überhaupt? what do you actually want?;
    was kostet das? how much is it?, what ( oder how much) does it cost?;
    was haben Sie an Wein etc? what have you got in the way of wine etc?;
    was ist denn? umg what’s the matter?, what’s wrong?;
    was noch? what else?;
    was dann? and then what?;
    um was handelt es sich? umg what’s it (all) about?;
    auf was wartest du? umg what are you waiting for?;
    an was denkst du? umg what are you thinking about?;
    muss er lügen? umg why does he have to lie?;
    was weiß ich! umg how should I know?, search me;
    und was nicht alles umg and all that;
    das tut weh, was? umg it hurts, doesn’t it?;
    es zählt das Was, nicht das Wie it doesn’t matter how you do it, just get it done; machen A, nun A 1, sollen2 2 etc
    B. int:
    was, du rauchst nicht mehr? umg what, you don’t smoke any more?;
    was für ein Unsinn/Krach etc! what nonsense etc/what a noise etc;
    was für ein Wetter! what weather!;
    was haben wir gelacht! umg what a laugh we had;
    was ist das doch schwierig this is so hard; ach A 5
    C. rel pr (das was) what; (welches) that, which; den Inhalt des vorhergehenden Satzes aufnehmend: which;
    das war alles, was er mir erzählte that was all (that) he told me;
    alles, was er weiß everything (that) he knows;
    …, was ihn völlig kalt ließ … which left him cold;
    was auch immer whatever (auch am Satzende), no matter what;
    was ihn betrifft as for him, as far as he’s concerned;
    was ich noch sagen wollte … the other thing I wanted to say …
    D. indef pr umg (etwas) something;
    ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst I spy with my little eye;
    weißt du schon was? have you heard anything?;
    ist was? what’s up?, is anything the matter?;
    was Schlechtes/Gutes/noch etc something bad/good/else etc;
    was Neues? any news?, anything new?;
    das ist was anderes that’s different;
    und nun zu ganz was anderem! and now for something completely different!;
    eine Palme oder so was (Ähnliches) a palm tree or something like that ( oder something similar);
    na, so was! besonders iron well I never!;
    was du nicht sagst! you don’t say!;
    hat man so was schon gesehen? have you ever seen anything like it?;
    so was von blöd! stupid or what?, how stupid can you get?;
    das war vielleicht was! that was really something!;
    da war doch was there was something there;
    ich will dir mal was sagen I’ll tell you something; besonders drohend: I’ll tell you what;
    schäm dich was! you ought to be ashamed of yourself; auch so A 7, wissen
    * * *
    whatsoever adj. pron.
    what pron.
    whatever pron.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > was

  • 17 подобный

    (см. также похожий) similar, similar to, similarly
    В этом отношении он подобен... - In this respect it is similar to...
    Во всех подобных экспериментах необходимо (применять и т. п.)... - In all such experiments it is necessary to...
    Данная последовательность рассуждений подобна той, что... - The chain of reasoning is similar to that of...
    Данная ситуация напоминает (= кажется подобной)... - The situation is reminiscent of...
    Два треугольника являются подобными, если и только если их углы равны. - Two triangles are similar if and only if the triangles are equiangular.
    Для большинства подобных проблем достаточно (установить и т. п.)... - For most such problems it is sufficient to...
    Доказательство теоремы подобно доказательству теоремы 2. - The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.
    Другие случаи можно обсудить в подобной манере. - In a similar manner other cases may be discussed.
    Заметьте, что данная аргументация весьма подобна (той, что)... - Note that the present argument is very similar to...
    Используя любой подобный метод, необходимо (помнить и т. п.)... - With any method such as this it is necessary to...
    Могло бы окзаться, что подобных элементов не существует, так что... - It may happen that no such elements exist, so that...
    На самом деле, подобные неопределенные идеи не говорят нам ничего. - Such vague ideas really tell us nothing.
    Нечто подобное могло бы быть проделано, даже если... - Something similar may be done even if...
    Но подобное представление не должно рассматриваться в буквальном смысле. - But such a representation must not be taken literally.
    Однако подобный подход не является удовлетворительным, поскольку... - Such an approach, however, is usually not satisfactory because...
    Остальные элементы могут быть найдены подобным образом. - The remaining elements may be found similarly.
    Оценки, подобные (3), легко получаются введением... - Estimates like (3) are easily obtained by introducing a...
    Очевидно, что подобный результат справедлив (и) для... - Obviously a similar result is true for...
    Парадоксы, подобные только что полученному, разрешаются (на основе и т. п.)... - Paradoxes such as the one just raised are resolved by...
    Подобная связь (= подобное соотношение) существует между... - A similar connection exists between...
    Подобная техника используется для... - A similar technique is used for...
    Подобное (утверждение и т. п.) невозможно принять без дальнейшего обоснования. - One cannot, without further justification, accept such a...
    Подобное возникает, если мы... - A related point arises if we...
    Подобное заключение справедливо и в двойственном случае, когда... - A similar conclusion holds in the dual case where... i
    Подобное обобщение возможно для... - A similar generalization is possible for...
    Подобное преобразование называется... - Such an arrangement is called...
    Подобное развитие событий происходит, когда... - A similar situation develops when...
    Подобное рассуждение можно использовать, когда... - A similar argument can be used when...
    Подобное рассуждение покажет нам... - A similar argument will show that...
    Подобное соглашение принимается, когда... - A similar convention is used when...
    Подобные выражения могут быть найдены для... - Similar expressions can be found for...
    Подобные вычисления выявляют (= показывают), что... - Similar computations reveal that...
    Подобные замечания имеют место, когда... - Similar remarks apply when...
    Подобные повреждения могут привести к потере... - Such injuries can result in a loss of...
    Подобные процессы просто не происходят. - Such processes simply do not occur.
    Подобные случаи могут описываться общим уравнением... - Such cases can be covered by the general equation...
    Подобные эксперименты были произведены Смитом [1]. - Similar experiments have been conducted by Smith [1].
    Подобные явления (= эффекты) не наблюдались в... - No such effects were observed in...
    Подобный алгоритм молено применить для решения уравнения (1). - A similar process can be applied to (1).
    Подобный аппарат называется... - Such a device is called a...
    Подобный в некотором роде результат выполняется для... - A somewhat similar result holds for...
    Подобный довод будет применяться, когда... - A similar argument will apply when...
    Подобный метод применяется к/в... - A similar method applies to...
    Подобным образом можно показать, что... - In like manner it can be shown that...
    Подобным образом мы легко можем выписать уравнение... — In the same way we can easily write down the equation of...
    Подобным образом мы можем... - In this manner we can...
    Подобным образом мы можем определить... - We can, in a similar way, define...
    (= оставшиеся) члены, мы получаем... - Transforming the remaining terms in a similar manner, we obtain...
    Процесс, изображенный на рис. 1, подобен... - The process, shown in Fig. 1, is similar to...
    Рассматривая этот и подобные эксперименты, обнаруживают, что... - From this and similar experiments it is found that...
    Совершенно подобным образом можно показать, что... - It can be shown by an exactly similar process that...
    Это выражение в некотором роде подобно... - This expression is somewhat similar to...
    Это оказывается подобным... - This appears to be similar to...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > подобный

  • 18 ähnlich

    ähn·lich [ʼɛ:nlɪç] adj
    \ähnlich wie jd/ etw sein to be similar to [or like] sb/sth;
    [etwas] Ähnliches [something] similar;
    Ähnliches habe ich vorher noch nie gesehen I've never seen anything like it
    ( vergleichbar) similarly;
    jdm \ähnlich sehen to look like [or resemble] sb
    das sieht ihm/ihr [ganz] \ähnlich! ( fam) that's just like him/her ( fam), that's him/her all over ( fam)
    präp +dat;
    \ähnlich jdm/einer S. like [or similar to] sb/sth

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > ähnlich

  • 19 tape

    1. noun

    bundles of letters tied with tape.

    2) a piece of this or something similar, eg a string, stretched above the finishing line on a race track:

    The two runners reached the tape together.

    شَريط السِّباق
    3) a narrow strip of paper, plastic, metal etc used for sticking materials together, recording sounds etc:

    I recorded the concert on tape.

    شَريط تَسْجيل
    4) a tape-measure.
    شَريط قِياس
    2. verb
    1) to fasten or seal with tape.
    يَلُف، يُغَلِّف
    2) to record (the sound of something) on tape:

    He taped the concert.

    يُسَجِّل على شَريط

    Arabic-English dictionary > tape

  • 20 wedge

    1. noun
    1) a piece of wood or metal, thick at one end and sloping to a thin edge at the other, used in splitting wood etc or in fixing something tightly in place:

    She used a wedge under the door to prevent it swinging shut.

    2) something similar in shape:

    a wedge of cheese.

    شَيءٌ على شَكْل إسْفين
    2. verb
    to fix or become fixed by, or as if by, a wedge or wedges:

    He is so fat that he got wedged in the doorway.

    ينْحَشِر، يَعْلَق

    Arabic-English dictionary > wedge

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  • similar — sim|i|lar [ sımılər ] adjective *** 1. ) things that are similar share some qualities but are not exactly the same: We have similar hobbies and interests. A second study produced remarkably similar results. similar to: Their situation seems to… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • similar — adjective 1 almost the same but not exactly the same: We have similar tastes in music. | students of roughly similar abilities | These two signatures are so similar it s very difficult to tell them apart. | I saw something similar in yesterday s… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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  • Something Positive — logo, Mr. Personality. Author(s) R. K. Milholland Website http:/ …   Wikipedia

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  • something's answer to — something’s answer to phrase someone or something that is similar to a more famous person or thing from a different place These boys were going to be America’s answer to The Beatles. Thesaurus: similar and similarlysynonym Main entry: answer …   Useful english dictionary

  • Something Leather — is a novel by Alasdair Gray which was published in 1990. Its framing narrative is the story of June s initiation into sado masochistic activities by the female operators of a leather clothing shop in Glasgow.The four central characters are from… …   Wikipedia

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